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Trend Alert:
The Return Of Y2k Fashion

How to wear noughties inspired clothing the modern way, including Y2K staples: bootcut jeans, boho tops and clog sandals

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The Y2K boho top

Folksy blouses were a summer must-have during the 2000s – think Sienna Miller and Kate Moss at Glastonbury.

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Y2K hair styles

A twisted up-do (or rows of tiny butterfly clips) was key to Y2K hair styling. Recreate the look with an eye-catching claw clamp.

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A beaded baguette bag

No self-respecting fashionista was spotted without a micro shoulder bag at the turn of the Millenium.

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Woman holding Y2K style orange and white beaded checked baguette bag. Shop now.

Noughties ear candy

Y2K jewellery had a playful look that feels so right for now. This heart-shaped pendant necklace add interest to a simple white tank top.

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Turquoise Murano glass heart-shaped earrings. Shop now.

Hot-foot it

Accent double-denim outfits with a pop of vibrant colour. Try our pony-hair clogs in hot pink, lime green or cow print. Yee-haw.

Shop the clogs

Women’s hot pink pony-hair clog sandals. Shop now.

The comfy cargo pants

If the thought of low-rise jeans gives you chills, try Albaray's cargo trousers for a modern take on the decade’s comfiest fit.

Shop the cargo trousers  

Woman wearing vest top with Y2K style cargo trousers. Shop now.

Cool runnings

Skechers was the ‘it’ trainer brand in the noughties, thanks to endorsements by Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears.

Shop the trainers   Shop Skechers

Women’s lilac Y2K-style trainers by Sketchers. Shop now.

Underwear as outerwear

Take your prettiest satin camisoles and corset tops out for the evening by teaming with a denim skirt.

Shop B By Boutique lingerie

Woman wearing lilac floral camisole with white lace and green bow. Shop now.

Be a shady lady

Y2K rimless sunglasses with pastel lenses are all the rage this summer. What’s more, ours have bevelled edges for a glam finish.

Shop the sunglasses


Layer cake

Take your summer style up a tier with Y2K flouncy skirts. Choose from broderie anglaise or patchwork styles.

Shop the tiered skirt   Shop all maxi skirts

Woman wearing Y2K-style white broderie anglaise tiered maxi skirt. Shop now.



Step this way

Words: Dulcie Emerson




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