Keeping hydrated is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. In fact, water makes up over half of our bodyweight and is essential for keeping our body functioning and healthy. The body loses water through breathing, exercising, or going to the toilet, so it’s vital that we drink plenty of fluids to replace this and avoid dehydration.
The amount of fluid we need can vary depending on how much activity we do, the temperature and our age, but we should aim for 6-8 glasses of fluid a day. Drinking water is the healthiest and easiest way to stay hydrated, but other drinks such as fruit juice, tea, coffee, milk and soft drinks can all count towards our fluid intake.
Fruit juices and smoothies provide an important source of vitamins, minerals and fibre. A small glass (150ml) of fruit juice counts as one of your five a day, although it is recommended that we stick to one 150ml portion each day. This is because juicing fruits and vegetables releases the natural sugars inside them, making them “free sugars”, which we are advised to limit in our diet.
Milk, tea and coffee can also contribute to our fluid intake and form part of a healthy, balanced diet, but try to limit the use of sugar or syrups in hot drinks. Cutting out sugar from your tea or coffee gradually can help you adjust to the unsweetened taste, and is better for your teeth. Some of us are more sensitive to caffeine than others, so be mindful of how much you’re consuming each day.
Milk also provides protein, calcium, vitamin D and other essential vitamins and minerals. If you choose plant-based milk alternatives (such as soya or oat milk), it’s best to opt for those enriched with nutrients you’d find in cow’s milk. All of our M&S plant-based milks are fortified with iodine, vitamin D, B12 and as much calcium as cow’s milk – so you don’t miss out on these important nutrients.
When it comes to hydration, making the right choices is an important part of a healthy and balanced diet. Many soft drinks are high in added sugars and calories, which can contribute to tooth decay and lead to weight gain over time.
It’s best to limit drinks containing added sugar, or to choose healthier alternatives, such as energy or sugar-free soft drinks. Sugar-free alternatives often contain sweeteners, which can either be from natural sources (such as stevia) or artificial sources (such as aspartame). Sweeteners are often used to provide a sweet taste for a lower number of calories compared to sugar. Choosing sugar-free drinks can help to reduce the number of calories you consume, which may be helpful for people trying to manage their energy intake or control blood sugar levels.
From lightly sparkling flavoured waters to fruity, sugar-free soft drinks, we’ve got plenty of healthy choices. Try our apple and blackcurrant picked and pressed juice for a delicious source of vitamin C, or a pick up a can of our sparkling strawberry and watermelon water for a refreshing, low-calorie option.
Don’t forget to look out for our Eat Well health seal of approval on drinks and smoothies across our Foodhall to find more healthy ways to stay hydrated.
1. Try infusing your water with fruit slices, ginger or sugar-free squash to add some flavour.
2. Set a reminder on your phone to drink throughout the day.
3. Choose sugar-free soft drinks or flavoured waters to help you meet your fluid intake.
4. Try to monitor your caffeine and alcohol intake to prevent dehydration.
5. When drinking fruit juices and smoothies, watch your portion sizes, and try to choose a variety of colours to get different nutrients into your diet.
6. Check the sugar content on the nutrition labels of soft drinks such as fruit juices and fizzy drinks.
7. Remember to listen to your body – if you feel thirsty, you probably need to drink!
British Nutrition Foundation
NHS Kent
Oxford Academic
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