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How to wear a rugby shirt

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How to wear a rugby shirt

An effortless wardrobe staple with style mileage beyond the Rugby World Cup, there’s no better time to rediscover the versatile appeal of the timeless rugby top. Whether you dress it up or down, this hardworking style is your fast-track to the preppy-cool look


Lunch in your Sunday best

It’s easy to style a rugby top for a socially distanced gathering. For weekend walks with friends and family outdoors, team a striped rugby shirt with a short, single-breasted mac, safe in the knowledge that our special Stormwear treatment will keep off the rain. A mac also creates a crisp, sharp silhouette that’s both versatile and practical, and works well alongside a colour-blocked rugby shirt, simple turned-up chinos and grown-up ankle boots. Pop the rugby shirt’s collar to give the look a casual ease.

Shop rugby shirts here

“Reinforced STITCHING
around the collar gives
an authentic feel”


A winning match-day look

Whether at Twickenham or your local ground, full kits are just for kids. Move away from the sporting heartland with a jacket that retains a rugged edge, while being ideal for a trip to the Red Lion to watch the Six Nations. A denim jacket is a fail-safe cover-up, and its hardware is a match for the substantial construction of the rugby shirt. The look is made a little less workaday by the inclusion of blue smart-casual shoes, ideal for pitch-side and pubs alike.

Shop rugby shirts here

“Play with TEXTURES
such as corduroy for a
richer overall look”


Go post-match precise

Introduce smart tailoring for a look that’s more private members’ club than clubhouse – a blazer with a rich texture stops things feeling too formal. Simple dark jeans are suitably smart, and wearing shoes rather than sneakers means you can go from drop-kicks to dinner with minimum fuss. Punchy red stripes inject vibrant colour into the look – an instant pick-me-up during the darker months.

Shop rugby shirts here

“The RUGBY shirt is a
neat counterpoint to
the refined blazer”